Teppisch 1

the three working strings of Sand-Media

“Partnership in Sand”

Sand-Media uses sand and other minerals as a surface to print digital portraits. PiS installations are created as haptic, ephemeral landscapes, which aim to promote environments of a solidary.


The Sand-Media modified printer also enables a direct print on panels made of rammed earth or other clay like mineral surfaces. The “Earth-Prints” objects are in their consistency ephemeral. Once situated in water, the object dissolves and becomes a recyclable mineral.


Sand-Media’s third work-string is the “Sand-Media-Video-Maschine” (SMVM) concept. In this method a video sequence becomes dissected into a collection of single frames. Sand-Media uses this method in order to create drawings as personal visual commentaries.

After the processing of all the images of a defragmented video sequance, the frames become digitally captured, assembled and transformed via time-line application to become a playable Sand-Media-Film.